The The’s “Kingdom of Rain”

I was listening to The The's "Kingdom of Rain" the other day, and completely forgot that Sinead O'Conner did guest vocals. Too bad she's had such a troubled life since then.  She has an amazing voice.Anyway, this lounge-y erotic slow-burner of break-up, and all the painful shit that goes with it, is beautifully rendered in …

The The’s “Uncertain Smile”

The The perform "Uncertain Smile" at the John Anson Ford Theatre on 09.24.18.
Circa 1983 from the alternative album "Soul Mining."  This track still sounds remarkably fresh and weirdly unique.  And these guys recently reunited and are on tour.  They're playing in Los Angeles on Monday 09-24-18 at the Ford Theatres. Can't wait. "Uncertain Smile" from the 1983 album "Soul Mining" Update: Here's some grainy footage of The The …