Just Like Heaven Festival @ Queen Mary Events Park on 05.04.19 – Part 2

Yeah Yeah Yeahs perform at Just Like Heaven in Long Beach on 05.04.19.
Okay, it's been a few days … some good, some not so good. Had a friend get deported due to the increasingly extreme immigration policies of our time. That totally sucked. Caught a cold, which has been lingering for the last few days. That still sucks. There was that Game of Thrones finale, which was …

Flashback: Air @ the Greek Theatre on 06.25.17

Air perform @ the Greek Theatre on 06.25.17.
About a week and a half ago, I introduced an idea I've been meaning to bring up to speed. It involves digging into my virtual crate of live concert footage, all pre-dating this blog's inception, and giving it a platform to shine and be remembered. The first round of these flashbacks featured former Talking Heads' …