The “90s Festival Generator,” courtesy of MONKEON and some middle aged nostalgia

Need a live music fix ... or better yet, a festival fix. Well, look no further.I just ran across the "90s Festival Generator." It's a clever website that, with a click of a button, randomly curates a diverse selection of bands, crafting a custom line up for a two stage (one for mobile devices), single …

Flashback: Poptone @ the Cloak & Dagger Festival at the Globe Theatre on 10.21.17

Poptone perform at the Cloak and Dagger Festival at the Globe Theatre on 10.21.17. Sorry for the annoying head that blots out Kevin Haskins on drums. But this is the best pic I could find from back then.
I haven't done one of these flashback concerts in a while. I've had too many current ones to prep and post, and I'm still behind on a few of them. But tonight marks the reunion of seminal alternative goth rock artist Bauhaus, after a near decade-long absence - 13 years, if you include live performances. …

Setlists from (Most of) Everyone Else @ Pasadena Daydream … The Pixies, Kælan Mikla, The Joy Formidable, Mogwai, Chelsea Wolfe & Emma Ruth Rundle

Inside the second stage tent, a.k.a. The Willow, at Pasadena Daydream at Brookside Park on 08.31.19. Currently on stage, The Joy Formidable. Four the six featured acts played this side of the fest.
Not going to get into the nitty gritty here. If you want that, check out the previous post that covers all these acts. Below, you'll find the setlists/playlists of all six bands I featured in my prior write-up. They all represent a tidy little sampler of the Pasadena Daydream's darkly musical offerings, with maybe the …

(Most of ) Everyone Else @ Pasadena Daydream at Brookside Park on 08.31.19.

A hot sunny afternoon on the Main Stage, a.k.a. The Oaks, at Pasadena Daydream at Brookside Park on 08.31.19.
Pasadena Daydream: The Line Up. This post covers the rest of The Cure’s cabinet of curiosities, better known as the Pasadena Daydream Festival, which took place at Brookside Park, essentially a golf course adjacent to the Rose Bowl, at the conclusion of last month.  It goes without saying that it's taken me awhile to get …

The Cure @ Pasadena Daydream at Brookside Park on 08.31.19

The Cure perform at Pasadena Daydream at Brookside Park on 08.31.19.
I’ll try and keep this one relatively brief, since I’ve already devoted a few prior posts to The Cure.  But I wanted to get something written up for their Pasadena Daydream performance before too much time has lapsed.  The Brit five-piece headlined the festival at Brookside Park, a.k.a. the Rose Bowl's adjacent golf course/parking lot, …