Sasha’s “Essential Mix” from 02.27.2000

I've been meaning to post this scorcher of an "Essential Mix" from legendary Welsh producer and DJ Sasha for near close to a year - at least, that's what the timestamp's telling me. Honestly, I can't remember. Since I've been in clean-up mode, I discovered it sitting at the bottom of my list of yet-to-be …

A couple of DJ sets from Nora En Pure

I'm back with a pair of wonderfully deep DJ mixes from South African-Swiss producer and DJ Nora En Pure. I managed to catch the pair, yesterday, while back at work, trying to set an upbeat, speedy tempo for accomplishing a rather insurmountable task in a relatively unrealistic amount of time.Yup, you heard that right. I've …

Bonobo’s “Essential Mix – BBC Radio 1”

Unrelated to this Essential Mix, but nonetheless cool, Bonobo perform at the Theatre at the Ace on 04.19.17 for the "Migration" tour.
Let's start the day with UK musician/DJ Bonobo's amazing super-chilled groovy downtempo "Essential Mix" for BBC Radio 1. This mix dates back to 2014, just about the time his acclaimed "The North Borders" LP was released. It's got a great progressive build over the course of two solid hours of electronic music, featuring tracks from …