Daily Dose: “Someday Soon” by Lev Snowe

I’m trying something new here. Not sure if I’m going to stick with the “Daily Dose” name or not. But for now, that’s all I can think of that doesn’t totally offend me.

The idea behind this is a quick pick-tune for the day. No other rhyme or reason. Just whatever hits me at that moment in time. Also, I’m leaning towards keeping the write-up slim, leaving the links at the bottom to fill in the blanks.

I’m not sure if this’ll really occur daily, as in everyday. Guessing it’ll be more intermittent, given my previous track record.

But that’s the gist of it.

So to get to get things rolling, here’s Lev Snowe’s “Someday Soon,” a dreamy little psychedelic pop number with wispy vocals, jangly guitars and an effervescent aura of sunwashed style. Reminds of Vinyl Williams, Washed Out, and lounging in the kaleidoscopic afternoon haze of Desert Daze.

Heard it the other day while running during the heatwave, recommended it to a friend, then decided to feature it here. Plus, I love anything with cats on the cover art.

Lev Snowe’s 2019 single “Someday Soon.”