Honestly, I don’t think I’ve touched this blog since late August/early September of last year. The pandemic kinda kicked the spirit from my soul and left me unmotivated, uninspired, and perhaps, slightly unhinged. Yup, that was 2020 in a nutshell.
Well, fuck that year. And all the negative, nasty shit that came with it.
I realize a good bit of that dark age has carried over into this year, particularly the politics and social issues that have proven to be a shit-stain on our history as human beings. But what can you do? There’s always going to be a few jerks in the mix.
Anyway, I was updating some of the back-end software and plugins for this site, and found a few old incomplete and unpublished posts lingering in the long-forgotten queue. I guess when I opted to step away, I went full-stop and fucked off, complete and total.
I don’t know what my plans are for this blog. I’m definitely not going to take it down. I still love the content. And I quite often find myself revisiting many of the shows I’ve included in the pages of postings past. It’s like my own personal library for an interest that never grows old and never dies.
I’ll probably keep kicking out some intermittent content from time to time. But that all depends on said motivation and inspiration.
So until my muses speak again, I’m gonna dust off a few of these unrealized oldies, and kick them out to the world wild web.
For these return outings, I’m not doing any big write-ups, or pouring on the flowery language, or inundating the text with in-depth and trivia-laden history.
Just a long-winded intro, such as this one, that has nothing to do with any actual content, followed by a brief set-up of said-actual content, which in this case, is a live show from early November of 2019, courtesy of Aussie pop-indie-electronic-dance-disco act Miami Horror.
The six-piece performed the Teragram Ballroom back in those pre-Covid times, when masks where merely a metaphoric facade for personality, and social distancing amounted to a hot sweaty mess and mass of packed bodies.
Good memories and fun, freewheelin’ times – in hindsight, taken for granted that they would always be there.
Well, if the universe is on our side, some of that will be returning this Fall, and live music will once again be on the menu. And in one form or another, we’ll all be back in business.
So without further ado – which I realize is somewhat absurd, given the amount of time that’s passed – here’s an energetic and spirited assortment of on-stage grooves from Miami Horror at the Teragram on November 9, 2019..
Miami Horror perform “All It Ever Was” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “I Look to You” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Love Like Mine” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Moon Theory” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Restless” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Holidays” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Echoplex” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Real Slow” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror perform “Sometimes” at the Teragram Ballroom on 11.09.19.
Miami Horror: