Honestly, I almost opted not to post the September edition of the Big Electric Playlist. I only had four posts for last month, all of them previous concerts I neglected to get up in a timely manner … except for maybe The Cure.
Anyway, I was surprised to see that those four posts somehow compiled three hours and forty-five minutes of music. Granted, all of that comes from only nine bands, with the majority from just three … Empire of the Sun, Tycho, and the aforementioned Cure. So …. not a lot of variety.
But what it lacks in that department, it makes up for with a whole lot of really great music. Most of this material is catalogue material, greatest hits and the like. But when it comes to standouts from Empire, The Pixies, or The Cure, there’s really not a lot to complain about.
And that’s ultimately what sealed the deal and nudged me into offering up September’s Big Electric Playlist. So here it is. And next month, I’ll do my best to get things back on track, full of diversity, new and old, obscure and renown, etc. etc.