Setlists from (Most of) Everyone Else @ Pasadena Daydream … The Pixies, Kælan Mikla, The Joy Formidable, Mogwai, Chelsea Wolfe & Emma Ruth Rundle

Not going to get into the nitty gritty here. If you want that, check out the previous post that covers all these acts.

Below, you’ll find the setlists/playlists of all six bands I featured in my prior write-up. They all represent a tidy little sampler of the Pasadena Daydream’s darkly musical offerings, with maybe the exception of the Pixies, which was more like a comprehensive sampler, and a little less dark.

Enjoy, bookmark, follow, embed, or whatever it is you do!

The Pixies

Kælan Mikla

The Joy Formidable


Chelsea Wolfe

Emma Ruth Rundle