Doves’ “Rise”

An old press image of Doves.

Just a quick post for the evening. It’s a bit of a switch from all the electronic odds and ends I’ve been listening to lately, not to mention all those ’80s callback bands that have been spinning heavily in the rotation. These guys are called Doves, and the track’s titled “Rise.”

I caught this one earlier today, while getting lost in my work … the professional kind, not the personal stuff. It sort of took me back to the early ’90s freewheelin’ and breezy psychedelia I made a focal point to my early career as a music journalist. Good memories there.

I’m actually kind of surprised I haven’t taken sooner notice of this English trio. Doves have been around since ’98, arriving a bit past my phased phase. But their airy kaleidoscopic sound still rings true of days gone by. They’re kind of a mixture of a bunch of stuff that happened in and around the U.K. … Brit-pop, indie rock, psychedelia, blues and folk, ye old Madchester scene … you get the general idea.

I guess they didn’t quite have the same impact as Oasis or the Verve, despite being cut from a similar cloth. They’re not quite as overt as these kindred spirits. Doves tends to be a little more laid back in an acoustical Bohemian way. That doesn’t stop them from breaking out the electric, adding a bit of reverb to the proceedings. But don’t expect a full-on shoegaze showing. That’s not quite the vibe here.

“Rise” comes from their 2000 debut “Lost Souls.” It’s just a warm wash of sunny tremolo and breezy grooves. It’s one of those songs that feels good to kick it on a clear summer day, maybe beachside, or perhaps a desert rock arena, the literal and natural kind, if you know what I mean.

Wispy yet grounded, the vocals remind me of some of the mellower tunes from Sun Dial, another band of the era, and also a personal fav from the ’90s. There’s also a groovy harmonica solo that feels right at home, adding a bit of reflective dimension to an already layered tune.

Gonna stop there, since I said I’d be brief … and of course, I’ve been anything but. Guess verbosity is in my veins, and I have a hard time shutting up. Oh well, before this ramble goes too far, here’s Doves’ “Rise” to soothe the paisley palate. Enjoy!

“Rise” from the 2000 LP “Lost Souls.”