For those paying attention, my apologies for the lack of posts. I had to step away, due to a longer-than-expected work-related project, as well as a couple of wonderful live shows – Moby and Kikaguku Moyo, if you’re interested. The former occupied my days, the latter my nights. So I had no free time.
Incidentally, in the next week or so, I’ll have more to say about both of those aforementioned performances, as well as an excellent Ladytron show, which also fell by the wayside. All great things to look forward to. But tonight, I’m gonna keep it simple, start small, and see where it goes. I’m a little distanced from the art of composition, so this one might be more of a warm-up than an actual cohesive recommendation.
Anyhow, the song sticking on my mind is a wonderful piece of neon effervescence titled “Partners in Motion.” It comes from Virginia-born indie dream-pop act Wild Nothing, and it really exudes the nocturnal ’80s vibe. This one came out last year with their fourth studio album “Indigo.” Sadly, I’m pretty sure the whole thing just passed right by me at the time. I’m not sure what I was listening to back then. But unfortunately, it wasn’t Wild Nothing.
That said, I’ve always liked these guys. And when I say these guys, I really mean founder and frontman Jack Tatum, who composes all the music solo, then drafts other musicians for the live shows. I’ve seen Wild Nothing a few times in the past, typically at festivals like the once mighty FYF. I have yet to see them on their own, which I again skipped last year, also for reasons unknown … although, if memory serves, I think a work thing might’ve interfered.
It’s puzzling to me why this song, and its accompanying album, have taken so long to gel in the space between my ears. I really dig its SoCal summer sunshine vibe. It’s got this glimmering quality, less wispy ethereal, more velvet magical. It reminds me of warm nights in the city, ’80s style, of course, with the streets glossy wet and the neon glow beaming bright, pink and purple, obnoxious in any other decade except for that one.
Curiously, Tatum recorded all the material from “Indigo” in the City of Angels, so that might have something to do with it. And I’ve got a soft spot for the ’80s era. Not all of it. But there’s qualities. And in the right hands, they translate quite organically to today’s music. “Partners in Motion” mixes that rich cocktail of sax and synths, with those high chimed guitar chords that shimmer and shine. It’s lush and luxuriant, a true homage to the ’80s, minus the coke … although I could see that working too. But seriously, it feels of the time and place without remaining stuck in all the nostalgia.
I’ll definitely be revisiting Wild Nothing’s “Indigo,” once I wrap this paragraph up. I guess, sometimes, timing is truly everything. That’s definitely my case for “Partners in Motion.” I actually caught it by accident last week, while working on a Vegas-related project. It just came through the speakers at full volume, and has stuck with me since. It might be that Vegas neon that did it. But I honestly do believe it was just my time to like it. Hence, the reason for I’m recommending it now.
Enjoy Wild Nothing’s “Partners in Motion” …
“Partners in Motion” from the 2018 album “Indigo.”