You know, ever since I started this blog, I’ve been getting all types of great recommendations. Some I know. Others are totally new to me. My only problem is finding the time to check it all out. So this Saturday, I’m devoting my time to experiencing some of these suggestions.
Let’s start with Mating Ritual, an L.A. duo that used to be known as Pacific Air – a name I recall, and even have sitting in my iTunes library, but for the life of me, can’t remembering listening to them. No matter, it’s not necessary to enjoy Mating Ritual’s “Drunk,” a rousing bit of indie rock that keeps things simple, yet takes you to all sorts of places. It’s 6-plus minutes, and rolls in and out with a tipsy pop euphoria encased in an ebb and flow of guitar-driven peaks and lulls.
I have to admit that the more I listen to “Drunk,” I’m finding it rather intoxicating, pun absolutely intended. This is very catchy addictive stuff. See how it affects you …
“Drunk” from the 2017 album “How You Gonna Stop It?”